Sunday, February 27, 2011

Local entertainment staple closes

by Rachel Kenderdine

What are the people of Paris going to do?

After almost 100 years in the Paris area, the Paris movie theater has shut down. As of February 6, the theater is boarded up and closed.

The employees of the theater say that the reason the theater closed is not clear, but they do have several speculations.

“We think it’s because we were their smallest theater, and AMC is a big business, so we didn’t matter to them,” said Cayla Higgins, a former movie theater employee.

Alex Sanders, also a former movie theater employee, said that the theater’s profit may also have had something to do with it. “We closed because after we switched over to AMC we lost a lot of business due to our prices going up,” she said. She also said that outdated movies coming to town may have also been a factor in the closing.

The closing theater has also left the employees abruptly without work.

“They told us on short notice [that the theater was closing],” Cayla said. “We didn’t find out too much longer before the community did.”

Alex added, “I was pretty upset about the whole thing. I mean, at first they gave us a two week advance to tell us we were going to be closing, then they decided to change their minds and it was the following Sunday and we were told this on Thursday.”

Cayla also added that the chances of the theater reopening are in the hands of buyers. She said it will not open, “unless somebody buys it and re-establishes it as a theater. It’s up for sale right now.”

And that closing will impact the city. “I think it’s horrible,” said Cayla, “because it’s one of the only forms of entertainment we have in town and it’s going to impact the community.”

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