Sunday, February 13, 2011

English teacher expecting baby girl

by Serena Wells

For those of you who may not know, Mrs. Rodriguez is having another baby. As of February 7th, she is 23 weeks along. I asked her some questions about her expecting, her current family life, and how she thinks things will change after the new baby is born. Following is our interview:

Serena Wells: How do you think Noah is going to act about a new baby in the family?

Kristy Rodriguez: Noah will probably be a little freaked out at first but will quickly adapt. He is used to being around a lot of different people so once he gets used to the baby crying and making strange noises, I see him handling it well. He might actually be helpful because he does like to help me around the house with picking toys up and feeding the dog.

SW: Do you have any ideas for names?

KR: We have discussed a few names but nothing that is sticking now. We didn't decide on Noah's name until a month before he was born so we have time. Her middle name will be Basilisa for sure because that was my husband's grandmother's name but no first name yet.

SW: How do you think life in your household will change when the baby comes?

KR: Life at first will be chaotic. Noah is used to being the only one and he expects things when he asks for them. He will need to learn to be patient and we will have to adapt to a new baby's schedule along with trying to get Noah on the same sort of schedule. Because I have all summer off, it will help with the exhaustion of learning to have 2 children to care for but hopefully this will be a pretty easy transition for all of us.

SW: Are you excited for the new baby and is there anything you can think of that you're not yet prepared for?

KR: I am super excited for the new baby. I can't wait to hold her and all the little baby things that come along with it. I am prepared for actually having her here but we still don't have girl clothes. I figure my mother and sisters will be buying enough clothes that initially we will be pretty set and there are some things Noah wore that a girl could wear too. I am also not prepared for the constant exhaustion that will accompany the first 2 months (at least) of her life but we'll deal with it. I see lots of naps in our future!

SW: How does your husband and the rest of your family feel about an addition to the family?

KR: My husband is probably more excited than anyone about a baby girl, even though he tries to act all rough and tough about it. Noah has him wrapped around his little finger and I foresee a daughter being even worse. The rest of my family can't wait to start buying clothes. My mother has already attempted to buy a few dresses when we are together and I keep telling her to wait. We just don't have anywhere to put any new clothes right now! My grandmother can't wait to have another great-granddaughter and my husband's family is excited to have their first granddaughter to spoil rotten.

SW: Are you happy it's a girl?

KR: I would have been happy either way but a girl is just perfect. It rounds out the family nicely and I am glad I will finally have someone on my side besides our dog!

Congratulations on you’re new baby Mrs. Rodriguez and to your family! (:

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