Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Teachers Set to Retire

by Serena Wells

Mr. Aydt and Mr. Kirby are two of the multiple teachers retiring from PCHS this year. I asked the two of them a few questions about their past here and what they are planning on doing with their free time during retirement. This is what they had to say.

The Interview

Serena Wells: How do you feel about retiring?

Mr. Aydt: I’m mostly looking forward to it.

Mr. Kirby: I am looking forward to it.

SW: Have you enjoyed your years at PCHS?

Aydt: I have enjoyed it a lot. I have had a very good 37 years here at PCHS.

Kirby: Oh yes, I have enjoyed it very much! I went to high school here and also taught for 36 years, so I have been here for 40 years.

SW: What are you planning to do in your free time?

Aydt: Probably a lot of work around the house and yard. I may be doing a part time math class.

Kirby: I’ve bought a small business in Florida so I’ll be working there.

SW: What do you think you will miss most about teaching?

Aydt: Working with kids. I’ve always enjoyed the give and take.

Kirby: The students and the great administration.

SW: Why did you decide to retire this year?

Aydt: I’ve had enough time to get full retirement. Don’t have the energy for the high school students. I thought it was time for someone younger to take over.

Kirby: Why not? I have gotten my years in.

Mr. Kirby also would like to mention that he is “really hoping Yes2PCHS goes through so we can have a great learning environment for the students here [at PCHS].” So after over 30 years of both of these men working here at PCHS it’s obvious that they will both miss their teaching career. Goodbye to the both of you and us students here at PCHS hope you have a great retirement.

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