Wednesday, December 15, 2010

XBOX Kinect

by Serena Wells

Jump. Duck. Run in place. These are just some of the things you have to do while playing the new X-Box 360 game with Kinect. In this game, the player is the controller rather than having an remote type of controller. There is a camera and everything you do while playing, the camera sees and your character does the same thing in the game. The cost for Kinect alone is around $150 but you could also get the new X-Box with Kinect for $300. Kinect is an interactive game which keeps players on their toes while playing. Much more is planned to be added to Kinect in the future. Kinect is similar to the Wii console but instead of having a controller, your entire body is the controller. I talked to a couple of our students who have played with Kinect and for their opinions on the game.

“I think it’s really fun, and it’s really entertaining”, says Jordan Butler. “Kinect has much better graphics than the Wii and also a better workout because you use your arms more than you do with the Wii”, Jordan added. “It is the most super duper fantastic game in the universe”, says Allie Caldwell, “And I’m real excited for it to reach its full potential”.

Kinect is still new on the market and is already very popular. If you are wanting to try out Kinect, WalMart has it set up for people to try. With Christmas right around the corner, it’s definitely something to add to your Christmas list.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shop with a Cop

by Olivia Underwood

With Christmas just around the corner, what are you doing to spread the Yuletide joy? There are people all over the world without the means to have dinner tonight, let alone a Christmas for their kids. What is being done to help those of us who can’t celebrate one of the most important holidays of the year? Well, this year, the PCHS Key Club is participating in Shop with a Cop to help the Paris police department give underprivileged children in the area a Christmas to remember.

Early in the year the police department begins collecting money for the Shop with a Cop program. How this charity works is rather simple. The police department finds children in the area in need who are not likely to receive much, if anything, on Christmas morning. These children are then invited to Shop with a Cop for Christmas presents such as clothing and toys. The tags and receipts are then thrown away so that the present cannot be returned for money, this way the children benefit from them. This charity strives to make a difference in the lives of children who need it.

“Key Club's role is that of telemarketers,” explained Mr. Doughan, a PCHS English teacher and sponsor for Key Club.

Some of Key Clubs members are also helping with the Shop with a Cop event itself. This year at least some of the children who really need a Christmas are getting one thanks to the Paris Police Department and PCHS Key Club.

The Holidays Mean Something Different to Homeless Animals

by Kayla Foushee

Have you ever seen the commercials about all the abused and abandoned animals? Have you ever noticed how many TV shows there are about animal abuse and rescuing animals? Do you know how many animals are abused and abandoned every day?

Every year over ten billion domesticated animals are killed: twenty-seven million each day and nineteen thousand each minute. People all over the world mistreat, abuse, and even kill animals.

Animals are dumped at humane shelters all the time year round. Sometimes it’s because people can’t afford to take care of the animals or are just too inconsiderate to take care of them. People don’t take into consideration that animals are like people. They live, breath, and eat like all of us. Animals can feel pain, and they don’t forget.

So many animals are abandoned around the holidays because people can’t afford to take care of animals. “A lot more animals get dropped around the holidays than any other part of the year,” stated Ms. Earlywine, foster mom to countless animals throughout the years. People don’t know how many animals are lying in cages with hundreds of other dogs and animals around them, but also people don’t realize how many animals are being kicked and beaten. There are on average 15 billion homeless animals in the U.S.

It’s hard to imagine that so many animals are abused, abandoned, and killed each year, but it’s also hard to imagine that people like you and I would even think about hurting animals. Animals are living, breathing things, and it’s absolutely outrageous to think about people hurting them.